Homework Assistance Volunteers Needed!

Friday, August 16, 2013

West Sacramento Library is seeking Volunteers!

Whether you or someone you know are seeking volunteer hours to polish a resume, class requirement, transfer to a university or admission to a graduate program--this is an excellent opportunity!

Helping kids with homework is a rewarding experience, even if you are interested in helping for the sake of the difference you will make in their lives, and you will be making a difference in their lives.

Or, perhaps you are a parent or grandparent of a little one who could benefit from some homework assistance.  Whatever the case may be, Avid Reader at Tower is glad to let you know of he program offered at the West Sacramento Library.

Tutoring will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm for children in the 3rd through 8th grades.  All assistance is free.

This service will be offered at the main branch location, the Arthur F. Turner Community Library in West Sacramento. For more information, call Librarian Ann Hamilton at 916-375-6469. To visit the library or find directions, they can be found online: here.

And from everyone at the Avid Reader at Tower--May the school year start off splendidly for you and your whole family!

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